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ccm [2024/04/06 15:49] – [Cerebral Cavernous Malformation] sflitmanccm [2024/10/13 18:40] (current) – [Cerebral Cavernous Malformation] sflitman
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 Cavernous malformations are lesions in the brain which can grow and bleed, causing harm to the brain as a stroke, and irritability leading to seizures and epilepsy.   Cavernous malformations are lesions in the brain which can grow and bleed, causing harm to the brain as a stroke, and irritability leading to seizures and epilepsy.  
 +We have no currently enrolling trials for this indication, but will update this page when a new trial becomes available.
 ^  Type of Drug  ^  Phase  ^  Placebo  ^  Duration  ^  Open Label Extension  ^ ^  Type of Drug  ^  Phase  ^  Placebo  ^  Duration  ^  Open Label Extension  ^
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-We have no currently enrolling trials for this indication, but will update this page when a new trial becomes available. 
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